Monday, June 22, 2020

Long Lake Central Board of Education holds June 11 meeting

LLCS BOE June 11 2020

Long Lake Central Board of Education holds June 11 meeting
LONG LAKE--Noelle Short, Principal/Superintendent, reported to the Long Lake Central School Board of Education at its June 11 meeting that the last day of school was Monday, June 15, 2020. She said there will be a virtual end of the year celebration at 11 a.m. Teachers, students and staff have done an excellent job throughout this period, she said.
Grades are being entered and reports cards will be sent out next week.
On Friday, June 12, 2020 there was a virtual Pre-Kindergarten moving up ceremony and Kindergarten graduation. The recording for senior graduation will also happen this day. Student textbooks, supplies, and Chromebooks will be picked up next week.
Short is working on an online summer school program.
The budget vote, board of education election and proposition ballots will be counted on June 16 after 5 p.m. The last day to submit ballots in person was June 9 but mailed ballots were accepted until June 16 5 p.m.
The State is expected to issue guidance in June on reopening in September.
Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, to table the Results of the June 9, 2020 Vote.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Michael Farrell, with all in favor, the Non-Resident Student Tuition Rates for 2020-2021 school year.
Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, the Medical Contract with Dr. Russell Rider for the 2020-2021 school year.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Joan Paula, with all in favor, Sean O’Shell as Class of 2023 (9th Grade) Class Advisor for March 2020 through June 2020.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, Policy #3221 Social Service Dogs.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Brian Penrose, with all in favor, Policy #5676 Privacy and Security for Student Data and Teacher and Principal Data.
Approved: On Motion by Joan Paula, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, Policy #7512 Student Physicals and #7530 Child Abuse and Maltreatment.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Brian Penrose, with all in favor, the Resignation of Kelsie Adams as Secretary to the Superintendent effective August 21, 2020.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, to table the Stipend Rates of Pay/Appointments for the 2020-2021 school year.
Recognized: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, Emily Stephan as Girls’ Varsity Soccer Coach, Benjamin Conboy as Boys’ Varsity Soccer Coach and Ray Hoag as Girls’ Modified Soccer Coach for the 2020-2021 school year.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, CSE/CPSE/504 Recommendations for Student #202772, 202204, 202762, 202301, 202201, 202755, 202801, 202799, 202732, 202720, 201907, 202307, 202749, 202776, 202753, 202402, and 202309.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Joan Paula, with all in favor, to Table the Transfer to Bus Purchase Reserve Fund and Employee Benefits and Accrued Liability Reserve Fund.
Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, the Legal Retainer with Girvin & Ferlazzo, P.C. for the 2020-2021 school year.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Michael Farrell, with all in favor, the Shared Maintenance Agreement with Tupper Lake CSD for the 2020-2021 school year.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Joan Paula, with all in favor, Kristin Delehanty as Mentor for Hannah Klossner September 2020 through January 2021.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Joan Paula, with all in favor, Be It Resolved that the Board of Education of the Long Lake Central School District hereby accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Patrick Curtin for a four (4) year probationary appointment as a teacher of 7-12 Mathematics in the mathematics tenure area, commencing September 1, 2020 and ending August 31, 2024 contingent upon achievement of effective or highly effective APPR ratings necessary to receive tenure throughout his probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education Law Sections 30122, 3012-c, and/or 3012-d pending certification by September 1, 2020.
Approved: On Motion by Michael Farrell, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, to Continue Employee Benefits for Patrick Curtin July 2020 through August 2020.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, Hannah Klossner (2/3) and Victoria Snide (1/3) as Co-Athletic Coordinators for 2020-2021 school year.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Michael Farrell, with all in favor, the Revised Conditions of Employment for Lisa Walker.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Brian Penrose, with all in favor, to Set Aside the April 8, 2019 Board Approved 2019-2020 School Calendar and Adopt the Revised 2019-2020 School Calendar.
A discussion on what Tax Anticipation Notes were.
Policy 1st Readings: A first reading of Policy #7511 Immunization of Students.
Michael Farrell asked if there were any updates on the Clerk of the Works for the Capital Project, which there are not. He also asked if it was possible to have in- person meetings for the future. Noelle Short will check on the rules.
On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Trisha Hosley, with all in favor, to enter Executive Session at 7:15 p.m. to discuss the employment history of three persons.
Approved: On Motion by Trisha Hosley, seconded by Alexandria Harris, with all in favor, to come out of Executive Session at 8:22 p.m.
Approved: On Motion by Alexandria Harris, seconded by Brian Penrose, with all in favor, the Revised Conditions of Employment for Victoria Snide.

This article is based upon the minutes of Clerk of the Board, Victoria J. Snide.

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