Saturday, July 25, 2020

Benson consider property reassessments

Benson TB June 16 2020

Benson consider property reassessments
BENSON—When the Benson Town Board met on June 16, the Real Property Tax Service Director of Hamilton County, Barry Baker, explained the Equalization Rate and how it would affect towns; question and answer period ensued.
The board passed the following resolution after discussing the issue with Baker.
WHEREAS, Mr. Barry Baker, Director of Real Property Services for Hamilton County has met twice with the Board and citizens of Benson, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Jim Abbott, Assessor for the Town of Benson has also met with the Board and the public, and
WHEREAS, C.A.P. reassessment for 2020 has been reduced from 93% to 85% for fiscal year 2020, which will mean an increase in school tax for Benson citizens this year and going forward, and
WHEREAS, the 85% will continue to be lower each year until we agree to an equalization rate of 100%, causing the school taxes to increase, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Benson, the Town of Hope, and the Town of Wells are all joined in a C.A.P., requiring all three Towns to agree to reassessment, otherwise there can be no reassessment, and
WHEREAS, if the three Towns decided to end the C.A.P. by resolution, they would be required to pay back several thousands of dollars, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED,  that the Town Board of Benson deems it to be of benefit to the taxpayers of Benson to do a reassessment of property values in Benson, with the understanding that if the other two Towns do not pass a resolution for reassessment, there will be no further action taken, and be it further 
RESOLVED, if the Town of Hope and the Town of Wells do pass resolutions for reassessment, a much more formal resolution will be required for all the Towns, based on meeting the legal requirements. At this time, Mr. Baker has advised us that we should not expect a reassessment until 2021 at best.  After the reassessment, if any one of the three Towns opts out of the 100% equalization rate assessments, all three Towns will remain at whatever the C.A.P. equalization rate is at that time.
Washburn/Hall Cemetery
Supervisor John Stortecky read the following letter from Chris Izzo, regarding fence at Washburn/Hall Cemetery.
“Benson-Hall cemetery
I am reaching out to you to get a resolve on an issue I am having up at the Benson cemetery on Washburn rd. I own the property on the South and North side of the cemetery. For the most part the cemetery is mowed and clean. I have placed a garbage can there due to the fact when people visited the cemetery, they would throw the plastic flowers over the fence in my property, which being plastic they don' t decompose. The garbage can has taken care of that. Often, I clean sticks and branches up when I am there in my property. My main reason for contacting you is the fence on the top 80 ft of the north side of the cemetery bordering my property. The fence is little more than chain link hooked to fence post in that area. Over the years due to no maintenance it has acted as a net catching all the leaves, which have decomposed and are causing the fence to lean in some spots 2 ft difference from top to bottom. It is an eye sore in that area. This is mainly due to the way the wind works in that area. The bottom area of the fence from the road up to the top where my fence starts is relatively good. I have decided at the top of my property to put up a 6 ft fence, rustic, stained nice and very fitting for the area just at the top to offer myself and folks visiting the cemetery some privacy. It is 3 ft back from the cemetery fence which is the property line according to the deed. The property lines are no issue, clearly marked with large 3-inch pipes on the corners of the fence. What I am asking to do is take down the chain link portion where my fence starts to the back north corner on my side, I will of course not remove any post that mark boundaries on corners. This will look so much better, easier to mow up to and will allow debris to blow thru as I am keeping my fence off the ground a few inches. Please let me know, I have no problem volunteering to do this. I often pick up debris and replace and straiten flags if needed. Please read this at meeting tonight if possible. Thank you for any consideration given me.”
The subject was to be discussed on Committee day of July 7.
th, 2020.
Some signs seem to be in at Town Garage. Hwy. Supt. has conducted 5 interviews for new highway employee.
The board authorized expending funds to move the town barn heating oil tank to a safe location.
Councilman Charles Biche thinks the board should investigate the charges from Frontier Communications to Benson as they seem high.
Public Comment Period

This article is based upon minutes proved by Jeanne Cox, Town Clerk.

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