Saturday, July 18, 2020

Indian Lake Beaches open

ILTB July 13 2020

Indian Lake Beaches open
INDIAN LAKE—When the Indian Lake Town Board met, Councilwoman Patricia Curry asked how the beaches were going? It was reported the beaches are working well with minimal problems concerning masks and social distancing.
Councilwoman Sally Stanton thanked the Buildings and Grounds crew for all they did helping the school with the High School Graduation. She stated it was appreciated by all.
Councilman John Rathbun asked Bill Laprairie, Department Head of Buildings and Grounds, when he would be fixing the broken buoys by the Chain Lakes Dam as he is concerned about Kayakers getting tangled in them or going to close to the Dam. Bill stated that they are waiting for the buoys to come in and will fix them as soon as he gets then.
Councilman Rathbun questioned opening the Bathrooms at the Byron Park Building. It was decided that the Chamber would open the bathrooms and be responsible for maintaining them. Councilman Rathbun also asked if it was possible to utilize the Events sign at Byron Park and put in the regulations such as "please wear a mask", and" please social distance" etc. as he is seeing numerous license plates in Town that are from "hot spots". The Board agreed to utilize the sign.
Councilman Rathbun also stated that he has noticed numerous times that the Water Plant Gate is being left open. He stated with all the people here at this time he feels this should be shut when no one is in the building. Kevin King, Department Head of Sewer and Water stated that they sometimes forget but that he and his men would be more vigilant in keeping it shut and locked.
Supervisor Brian Wells stated that no bids were received for the 2021Truck, but there were bids for the Groomer. Supervisor Wells made a motion to accept the groomer bids to be reviewed by himself and Bill Laprairie, Department Head of Buildings and Grounds, and to make a recommendation to the Board.
Seconded by, Councilman Rathbun.
The full board approved.
Supervisor Wells read a letter from North Country Crafters and thanked them for their generous donation of $200, as well as all that they do for the Town of Indian Lake.
Supervisor Wells reported to all that the Virtual Shakespeare event is being canceled.
Bill LaPrairie, Dept head of Building Maintenance and Operations reported on the following.
During the month of June, business started to go back to normal. We do our garbage runs from Blue Mountain and Indian Lake Mondays and Fridays, checked the dam and the mini park. Beavers had started to dam up all the spillways, so we removed all the debris and flushed the dam by opening the gate. We removed two large logs that had floated down into the spillway and hauled them away.
Chain Lakes beach was installed, the water turned on and prepped for summer usage, we mowed the beach and cleaned up many snails that had died on the beach, graded the parking lots and raked the beach. We started installing Blue Mountain Beach, we have dock in the water and will finish the install July 1.
BTI season has come to an end, we used 50 gallons of product to treat all the streams in Blue Mountain and Indian Lake areas.
The library expansion is underway, a new beam was set to carry the weight of the front of the building, we used the Minito jackhammer out the concrete in the vestibule, we hauled away all the concrete and debris, and we have poured our footings and walls after removing the old vestibule area.
We assisted the Chamber of Commerce with removing all their equipment from the building and relocating it in storage at the garage up at our shop, made garbage runs for the chamber with all of the debris left over,  We built sneeze shields For the Chamber of Commerce and  the library.
We have mowed all town properties In Blue and Indian Lake, Including the shooting range and cemeteries. We serviced all the tractors and replaced all the blades; a parts run was made to Speculator for weedeater parts.
We had one burial at Benton cemetery that we took care of on Saturday, backfilling, grading, seeding, and laying hay.
We ordered parts and started to do repairs on the 2011GMC truck, brakes, rotors, and calipers. Took down two danger trees in Byron Park, and one that was over top of the Blue Mountain playground.
Air handler filters had to be replaced at the health center due to the renovations that are underway, the air conditioning unit froze up, the system had to be shut down, we cycled the unit through the fan mode to dry out air handler and reset AC units.
We took our trailer and the Highway's trailer to the school for graduation and built a stage for the students to graduate on, we built a set of stairs and dropped them off Friday before graduation for practice and picked them up Monday morning when event was over.
Kevin King, Water and Sewer Superintendent, reported the following.
Testing was completed at all plants daily. Samples required by DEC and DOH were submitted to the lab.
The six-inch sewer line for the Indian Lake Motel was damaged when DOT was working on a culvert by the Indian Lake Motel. We replaced the damaged piece of pipe, put in a new cleanout, and got it working again.
The water meters were read for businesses in both water districts. The hydrants were weed whacked in both water districts.
Mowing and weed whacking was done at the Sewer Plant as needed.
At the Indian Lake Water Plant, we had sludge pumped out and hauled to the drying bed at the Sewer Plant. We then had four loads of sludge hauled out of the Sewer Plant.
There is a problem with the well at the DEC building on Big Brook Rd. They asked us about putting in a water line up to their building. We measured out the line and got a quote together for them.
We loaned out our moleing machine to the Town of Speculator Water and Sewer Department. They used it and returned it with new hydraulic hoses.
At the Blue Mt. Lake Water Plant there was a small leak in the control box of the Parco Valve. Inside the control box there are water and electronic components. We were able to change the leaky hi pressure switch in the control box without any major issues. This valve is critical in the operation of this plant.
Bill Wells reported on the following.
Changed headlight bulb in# 191 Pick-Up. Installed new relays in 3320 Tractor. Disassembled roller engine. Trouble shoot AC in 3320 Tractor.    Rebuilt 544K door latch. Mounted 4 new wheels and tires on # 191 Pick-Up. Serviced the side hill mower. Serviced Brush Hog and installed on tractor. Installed rebuilt ram on# 185 Dump Truck. Mowed fields.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Town Clerk Julie Clawson.

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