Saturday, July 18, 2020

Piseco Airport to get federal funds

Arietta TB July 6 2020

Piseco Airport to get federal funds
ARIETTA—When the Arietta Town Board met on July 6, it passed two resolutions that will bring federal funds to improve the Piseco Airport, starting with the CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF, AND ECONOMIC SECURITY (CARES) ACT AT PISECO AIRPORT, which reads as follows.
WHEREAS: The Town of Arietta has received the CARES ACT Agreement from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and
WHEREAS: the FAA has made funds available to eligible U.S. airports to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus impacts, including support for continuing airport operations; and
WHEREAS: the FAA has made available $20,000 for the Piseco Airport (K09), owned and operated by the Town of Arietta; and
WHEREAS: The Town of Arietta has agreed CARES Act grant funds will be utilized for operational costs.
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED:  that  the  Town  Board,  Town  of  Arietta  does accept and authorizes the Supervisor to execute all  necessary documents  and contracts  on behalf of the Town of Arietta for the CARES Act grant funds for the Piseco Airport.
WHEREAS: The Town of Arietta has an agreement with the FAA and NYSDOT to continue with the scheduled projects outlined in the Airport Capital Improvement Plan for Piseco Airport, and
WHEREAS: one of the scheduled projects for 2020 is the Airfield Runway 4-22 Rehabilitation Design. The Town has received from our engineers, McFarland and Johnson, Inc. an application for Federal Aviation Administration grant funding and Sponsors Certification for Consultant Selection, and
WHEREAS: the maximum cost of the 2020 project is Airfield Runway 4-22 Rehab Design estimated at $186,098 which will be paid with 100% Federal funding ($186,098), paid out of General Account # A5670-430, and
WHEREAS: The Town of Arietta hired an independent engineer the MRB Group to prepare an Independent Fee Estimate (IFE) for the completion of the Runway Rehab Design and Administration Services for the project, and
WHEREAS: The Town of Arietta has reviewed the IFE submitted from MRB Group and have selected to award the contract to McFarland and Johnson, Inc in the amount of $186,098 in accordance with the conditions of award stipulated in their Task Order, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Town Board, Town of Arietta hereby approves submitting the Grant Application for the above subject project and accept McFarland Johnsons, Inc as the consultant for this project; and it is hereby
FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Town Board, Town of Arietta does authorize the Town Supervisor to execute  all  necessary documents on behalf of the Town  of Arietta with  FAA and NYSDOT to apply and accept funding for the  Runway  4-22  Rehabilitation design, and McFarland Johnsons, Inc as the consultant for the project.
The Surveyor crew will be doing the obstruction survey this week. The FAA will be there also for an onsite inspection.
Douglas Stobo talked to the Zoning Officer about the siding on the Airport SER building, Zoning Officer LaScola said the siding is in very bad shape, at least up 4-5 feet, Stobo asked if there is money is available for labor for this project?
Supervisor Wilt said we will discuss at the next meeting on July 20th.
Piseco Community Hall use, under the Covid19 guidance you can have 33%-person capacity that must comply with social distancing. The capacity of the Piseco Community Hall after being reevaluated by Mel LaScola Zoning Officer and Supervisor Wilt is 75 persons, so this at 33% would be 25-person capacity. Wilt also said there will be a cleaning issue. Anyone who uses the PCH must use the cleaning guidance.
The lake is extremely low due to the lack of rain. Engineers should be here in two weeks to discuss the dam. Rudes said Popular Point is getting a lot of use. Wilt will send some pictures he has taken to DEC showing that people are using the fireplaces and kids are jumping of the dock.
Supervisor Wilt said the Local Law concerning the Septic’s systems will be on the agenda for the July 20th meeting. Mel LaScola has several changes he wants to be made and he will email out to everyone tomorrow. He had verbiage that needs to be cleaned up.
Sarah Rudes has some concerns about the trailer park being covered, I know the local law says that trailer with onsite systems will be considered real property, there is  a definition in NYS law what real property is, I don’t know we can just make a new definition. And we know the trailers are probably where we are going to fine some offensives. Supervisor Rick Wilt said that is correct. Rudes said that someone said with a transfer of property there are concerns.
Highway Superintendent Craig Small explaining he needs an RFP for the engineering and soil borings for the project on the Powley Road, Brayhouse and the Wild Road culvert.
The board approved getting an RFP for the engineering and soil borings for the project on Powley Road and the Wild Road.
Supervisor Wilt said the monthly email should be started, he will talk with C Wilt about how to set it up, and S Rudes volunteered to put names in if taught.  Rudes thought monthly would be too much, maybe quarterly would be better. All agreed.
S Rudes also wanted to know how the Highway garage plans were coming? Wilt and Small have not heard from the engineer. There is no hurry because the design does not have to be done until wintertime, when we plan on moving ahead if we do?
The board accepted the financial statements of the Supervisor for the month of June 2019 as submitted.
Supervisor Wilt asked if everyone was available for a meeting on July 20 at the Piseco Community Hall at 5 p.m. He would like to go over the Septic Plan, the Cemetery, and he hopes the dam Engineer would be there to give an evaluation and go over the data that was collected last year.

This article is based upon minutes provided by Kenneth Parslow, Town Clerk.

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