ILCS BOE Sept 3 2019
ILCS BOE hold special meeting
A special meeting was held by the Indian Lake Central Board of Education on September 3, the purpose of which was to approve or reject four recommendation for approval.
After holding an executive session amongst the following members: Dave Harrington, Corey Hutchins, Jon Voorhees, Jodie Seymour, Bob Lewin and Dave Snide, and Superintendent/Principal the board ruled on the following:
A motion was made by Bob Lewin, seconded by Corey Hutchins to approve Jay Griffin, provisional applicant for Transportation/Building Grounds Maintenance, effective 9-16-19 at a salary of $55,000. Unanimous 5-0.
A motion was made by Jon Voorhees, seconded by Corey Hutchins to approve clay target advisor Greg Gregor. Unanimous 5-0.
A motion was made by Bob Lewin, seconded by Jon Voorhees to approve Elmer Davis Roofing to do work on the school roof. Unanimous 5-0.
A motion was made by Robert Lewin, seconded by Jon Voorhees to approve Amanda Flemington co-coach for elementary soccer 2019-20 season. Unanimous 5-0.
Based upon the minutes provided by Dave Snide.
ILCS BOE hold special meeting
A special meeting was held by the Indian Lake Central Board of Education on September 3, the purpose of which was to approve or reject four recommendation for approval.
After holding an executive session amongst the following members: Dave Harrington, Corey Hutchins, Jon Voorhees, Jodie Seymour, Bob Lewin and Dave Snide, and Superintendent/Principal the board ruled on the following:
A motion was made by Bob Lewin, seconded by Corey Hutchins to approve Jay Griffin, provisional applicant for Transportation/Building Grounds Maintenance, effective 9-16-19 at a salary of $55,000. Unanimous 5-0.
A motion was made by Jon Voorhees, seconded by Corey Hutchins to approve clay target advisor Greg Gregor. Unanimous 5-0.
A motion was made by Bob Lewin, seconded by Jon Voorhees to approve Elmer Davis Roofing to do work on the school roof. Unanimous 5-0.
A motion was made by Robert Lewin, seconded by Jon Voorhees to approve Amanda Flemington co-coach for elementary soccer 2019-20 season. Unanimous 5-0.
Based upon the minutes provided by Dave Snide.
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