Thursday, November 7, 2019

Indian Lake Community Development Corporation meeting

Indian Lake Community Development Corporation meeting

INDIAN LAKE--The Indian Lake Community Development Corporation (ILCDC) Board of Directors meeting will be held at 7 PM on Wednesday, November 20, in the Indian Lake Central School Cafeteria.
The guest speaker will be Paul Cummings, Chazen Company Senior Planner. Paul coordinated the creation of the Indian Lake Comprehensive Plan and will review the status of the Plan during his "Comprehensive Plan Update, Implementation and Special Projects" presentation.
The ILCDC was very much involved in the creation of the Plan and continues to actively participate in implementation activities, as well. The Comprehensive Plan represents Indian Lake's efforts to foster a sustainable future by inspiring community pride, participation and increasing interest in living, visiting and doing business in the Town of Indian Lake. A copy of the Plan is available for review on the ILCDC website at:
Beginning this month, the Town Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee is working with the Chazen Companies and Envision Architects to engage residents and stakeholders in a collaborative design process. The focus of the project activities is the future of the "The Commons", formerly known as the Townsend property. This project emerged out of the Indian Lake Comprehensive Plan, which was used to successfully leverage grant funding for the acquisition for The Commons, preliminary development projects and the planning process that is currently underway. The Town purchased the 7.7-acre property with funds from the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York. The current planning process is being funded by the New York State Department of State with funds provided under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund, which the Town was awarded through the NYS Consolidated Funding Application Process. The Plan Advisory Committee will be hosting open house sessions that will be open to the public during which participants will be encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas regarding how best to repurpose the Commons.  Detailed information about the proposed open house sessions is included on the ILCDC website (
Brenda Valentine, President, Indian Lake Community Development Corporation
Please use the Crow Hill Road entrance to access the school cafeteria.

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