Speculator VB Sept 9 2019
Speculator seeking bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades
SPECULATOR—The Speculator Village Board of Trustees met on September 9 and after hearing reports from Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Chief Operator
Edward Scharpou, the board passed the following resolution: “Resolution of Approval for the Authorization of Soliciting Bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project Contract 1 of Project Phase 1.
“WHEREAS, the Village of Speculator Board of Trustees intends to pursue Phase 1 of the previously agreed upon Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project; and
“WHEREAS Phase 1 has been divided into approximately five contracts, the first of which is referred to as Contract 1. Contract 1 includes, but is not limited to, upgrades/improvements to Pump Station #1, repairs to outdoor treatment unit, and replacement of two clarifier units (#1 and #2), and
“WHEREAS, Lamont Engineers, has prepared a contract drawings and project manual for Village of Speculator to solicit bids on Contract 1 of Phase; and
“WHEREAS, the bid documents prepared include the proper language to incorporate the requirements for Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) contractor utilization and solicitation, non collusion activities, and the Iran Divestment Act requirements pursuant to General Municipal Law §103; and
“THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village of Speculator Board of Trustees authorizes the Mayor to solicit bids from and review the qualifications of contractors able and willing to perform the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project as specified in Contract 1 of Phase I, which includes, but is not limited to, upgrades/improvements to Pump Station 1, repairs to outdoor treatment unit, and replacement of clarifier units 1 and 2.
Trustee Eric Craven made a motion to approve the resolution of the Authorization of Solicitating Bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project Contract 1 of Project Phase 1. Trustee Letty Rudes seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.
WWTP Chief Operator Scharpou submitted the following written reports:
“WATER DEPARTMENT - The Monthly report has been sent out. August samples have been sent out. Samples for Nitrate, Secondary Inorganic Chemicals, and Disinfection Byproducts/Stage 2 have been sent.
“All R900s have been installed for radio frequencies. Calls for meter removals have begun. Mowed hydrants, Cleaned repaired and pressure washed well building, fixed sampling station on Elm lake rd.
“Things to do - Flush Hydrants week of September 23rd. Install #1 well pump.
Accounts for review - #1371 Cemetery-As of now $0 bill. #166 Chevalier- Outside Village no water hookup would like to remove from system. #257 Oak Mountain Old Lodge no longer there would like to remove. #1103 Arneson ONLY has sewer but is charged for both water and sewer base rates and sewer usage rate. We would like to charge him a sewer base rate only as this is how all other sewer only customers are charged. #1130 The Speculator Ambulance Corp. is charged for two accounts one of which is always turned off at the meter. As they are a volunteer company, we would like to suggest that they are no longer charged for this account. If it is ever to be used again, we can move it back to billing. #1233 Thomas Cynthia Turner have two accounts one of which used to be Hughe Bryces property. They purchased the property removed the building and have been paying base rates on a vacant lot that will no longer be lived on. We would like to discuss removing this account if possible.”
“WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT - The monthly reports for June are done. (DMR/SPDES). Correspondence with DEC regarding SPDES technical review.
“Operations - Outside plant has been taken offline and is ready for annual inspection. All sampling for our SPDES technical review has been done except for one that will need to be sampled this week.
“To do - Raise manholes #27 & #28 on Marion Ave prior to paving. Prepare outside plant for construction.”
Trustee Letty Rudes made a motion to accept the letter and terms as stated for Arneson’s water sewer account. Trustee Eric Craven seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Craven made a motion to stop billing the Speculator Volunteer Ambulance Corporation for a dormant account. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Two accounts, one for Chevalier and one for Oak Mountain, had meters removed and billing cancelled by the prior board, but were still accounted for in the system. All agreed to formerly remove these accounts from the system.
Trustee Mark Donecker will review overall billing policies for water only, sewer only, meter in/outs and service out of the village to ensure equity among all residents. He will work with W/WWTP Chief Operator Scharpou and bring recommendations for any changes, if needed, next month.
Claire Craven presented a financial report concluding fiscal year 2018-2019 and showing the stages of balancing within the Williamson Lawbook Accounting Software through August 2019, a copy of which is available in the Village Office. Additionally, a new process was introduced for the presentation of the monthly financial report.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to close and move the balance of $2,622 from the dormant water checking account into the F200 water account and the balance of $68,055 from the dormant Sewer checking account into the G200 sewer account. Trustee Donecker seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Craven made a motion to move the Water bond interest budget line item from A9710.7 to F9710.7, placing the interest in its rightful place within the Water department. Trustee Donecker seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Craven made a motion for the allocation of carry forward monies in the General checking account be distributed between the General, Water and Sewer accounts based on average spending percentages from 2018-19; 63% to General, 10% to Water and 27% to Sewer. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to implement a board policy requiring the Clerk-Treasurer provide the same financial data submitted tonight in the financial folder and that it be updated monthly, there be a two-week review period for the Board to have access to and ask any questions, with a formal approval given at the following Board meeting. Trustee Craven seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Mayor Barrett advised the new Vendor Local Law is still under review by the Village Attorney and will be revisited at a future meeting.
The LED Street Light project is on hold until the spring to allow for a more conclusive list of bids.
The tree on Osborne Point has been infected with a yet undetermined disease common to white pines in the Adirondack Park. The forester Trustee Mark Donecker met with says the tree could possibly last for another 5 years, but there is no way of telling what the risk of falling branches or liability would be to the Village.
Trustee Eric Craven made a motion for Trustee Donecker to compile three bids for the trimming of the tree on Osborne Point. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
A notice of public hearing was given to the Board and will be submitted to the Hamilton County Express for revised Local Law #4 of 2009: Regulating the Water District and Metering of Same of the Village of Speculator and Local Law #3 of 2005: Regulating Sewer Use and Operations.
A letter from ADK Action requesting the Village pledge to reduce road salt was presented by Mayor Barrett.
This matter has been postponed allowing the Superintendent of DPW to investigate our salt use in previous years and for the Board to review the water protection plan which regulates use of salt on Elm Lake Road.
A letter from The Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board asking for help in funding was presented by Mayor Barrett.
This matter has been postponed allowing the Board to compile more information.
Ken and Peggy Bailey addressed the board regarding a pile of metal containers, rubber and plastic located on 231 Elm Lake Rd, owned by Dave and Karen McComb, that is very close to their property line and visible from the street, stating the material is “rubbish.” The Fire & Building Code Inspector had been to the property and had not found any violations given the property is classified as a farm and the items noted could be categorized as “for future use”. The Baileys requested the Village investigate adopting a new ordinance to include a time limit on the designation of “for future use” so that requests could be made to discard materials.
Peggy LaFontaine made a statement to witness and in support of the Bailey’s concerns.
Allen Hoover commented on the sidewalks, expressing it is good they are paved but the job seems incomplete and the driveways intersecting the sidewalk are not easily accessible, causing a few vehicles to bottom out. Mayor Barrett noted the sidewalk project is a partnership between the Village and the State DOT and as such, the Village’s initial work of paving has been completed and the DOT will be finishing the curbside within the next few weeks followed by DPW making any final needed adjustments for driveways after.
Lynne Brown asked if we need to start planting new trees start as soon as possible. Trustee Donecker advised, we will be looking into recommendations for different species of trees.
Peggy LaFontaine asked when the board last reviewed zoning laws and Mayor Barrett advised the zoning laws were reviewed last year. Ms. LaFontaine appreciated the Board agreeing to investigate the time limits of “for future use.”
Editor Note: Story based on the minutes from Crystal O’Brien, Village Clerk - Treasurer
Speculator seeking bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades
SPECULATOR—The Speculator Village Board of Trustees met on September 9 and after hearing reports from Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Chief Operator
Edward Scharpou, the board passed the following resolution: “Resolution of Approval for the Authorization of Soliciting Bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project Contract 1 of Project Phase 1.
“WHEREAS, the Village of Speculator Board of Trustees intends to pursue Phase 1 of the previously agreed upon Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project; and
“WHEREAS Phase 1 has been divided into approximately five contracts, the first of which is referred to as Contract 1. Contract 1 includes, but is not limited to, upgrades/improvements to Pump Station #1, repairs to outdoor treatment unit, and replacement of two clarifier units (#1 and #2), and
“WHEREAS, Lamont Engineers, has prepared a contract drawings and project manual for Village of Speculator to solicit bids on Contract 1 of Phase; and
“WHEREAS, the bid documents prepared include the proper language to incorporate the requirements for Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) contractor utilization and solicitation, non collusion activities, and the Iran Divestment Act requirements pursuant to General Municipal Law §103; and
“THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village of Speculator Board of Trustees authorizes the Mayor to solicit bids from and review the qualifications of contractors able and willing to perform the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project as specified in Contract 1 of Phase I, which includes, but is not limited to, upgrades/improvements to Pump Station 1, repairs to outdoor treatment unit, and replacement of clarifier units 1 and 2.
Trustee Eric Craven made a motion to approve the resolution of the Authorization of Solicitating Bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project Contract 1 of Project Phase 1. Trustee Letty Rudes seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.
WWTP Chief Operator Scharpou submitted the following written reports:
“WATER DEPARTMENT - The Monthly report has been sent out. August samples have been sent out. Samples for Nitrate, Secondary Inorganic Chemicals, and Disinfection Byproducts/Stage 2 have been sent.
“All R900s have been installed for radio frequencies. Calls for meter removals have begun. Mowed hydrants, Cleaned repaired and pressure washed well building, fixed sampling station on Elm lake rd.
“Things to do - Flush Hydrants week of September 23rd. Install #1 well pump.
Accounts for review - #1371 Cemetery-As of now $0 bill. #166 Chevalier- Outside Village no water hookup would like to remove from system. #257 Oak Mountain Old Lodge no longer there would like to remove. #1103 Arneson ONLY has sewer but is charged for both water and sewer base rates and sewer usage rate. We would like to charge him a sewer base rate only as this is how all other sewer only customers are charged. #1130 The Speculator Ambulance Corp. is charged for two accounts one of which is always turned off at the meter. As they are a volunteer company, we would like to suggest that they are no longer charged for this account. If it is ever to be used again, we can move it back to billing. #1233 Thomas Cynthia Turner have two accounts one of which used to be Hughe Bryces property. They purchased the property removed the building and have been paying base rates on a vacant lot that will no longer be lived on. We would like to discuss removing this account if possible.”
“WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT - The monthly reports for June are done. (DMR/SPDES). Correspondence with DEC regarding SPDES technical review.
“Operations - Outside plant has been taken offline and is ready for annual inspection. All sampling for our SPDES technical review has been done except for one that will need to be sampled this week.
“To do - Raise manholes #27 & #28 on Marion Ave prior to paving. Prepare outside plant for construction.”
Trustee Letty Rudes made a motion to accept the letter and terms as stated for Arneson’s water sewer account. Trustee Eric Craven seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Craven made a motion to stop billing the Speculator Volunteer Ambulance Corporation for a dormant account. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Two accounts, one for Chevalier and one for Oak Mountain, had meters removed and billing cancelled by the prior board, but were still accounted for in the system. All agreed to formerly remove these accounts from the system.
Trustee Mark Donecker will review overall billing policies for water only, sewer only, meter in/outs and service out of the village to ensure equity among all residents. He will work with W/WWTP Chief Operator Scharpou and bring recommendations for any changes, if needed, next month.
Claire Craven presented a financial report concluding fiscal year 2018-2019 and showing the stages of balancing within the Williamson Lawbook Accounting Software through August 2019, a copy of which is available in the Village Office. Additionally, a new process was introduced for the presentation of the monthly financial report.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to close and move the balance of $2,622 from the dormant water checking account into the F200 water account and the balance of $68,055 from the dormant Sewer checking account into the G200 sewer account. Trustee Donecker seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Craven made a motion to move the Water bond interest budget line item from A9710.7 to F9710.7, placing the interest in its rightful place within the Water department. Trustee Donecker seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Craven made a motion for the allocation of carry forward monies in the General checking account be distributed between the General, Water and Sewer accounts based on average spending percentages from 2018-19; 63% to General, 10% to Water and 27% to Sewer. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Trustee Rudes made a motion to implement a board policy requiring the Clerk-Treasurer provide the same financial data submitted tonight in the financial folder and that it be updated monthly, there be a two-week review period for the Board to have access to and ask any questions, with a formal approval given at the following Board meeting. Trustee Craven seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Mayor Barrett advised the new Vendor Local Law is still under review by the Village Attorney and will be revisited at a future meeting.
The LED Street Light project is on hold until the spring to allow for a more conclusive list of bids.
The tree on Osborne Point has been infected with a yet undetermined disease common to white pines in the Adirondack Park. The forester Trustee Mark Donecker met with says the tree could possibly last for another 5 years, but there is no way of telling what the risk of falling branches or liability would be to the Village.
Trustee Eric Craven made a motion for Trustee Donecker to compile three bids for the trimming of the tree on Osborne Point. Trustee Rudes seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
A notice of public hearing was given to the Board and will be submitted to the Hamilton County Express for revised Local Law #4 of 2009: Regulating the Water District and Metering of Same of the Village of Speculator and Local Law #3 of 2005: Regulating Sewer Use and Operations.
A letter from ADK Action requesting the Village pledge to reduce road salt was presented by Mayor Barrett.
This matter has been postponed allowing the Superintendent of DPW to investigate our salt use in previous years and for the Board to review the water protection plan which regulates use of salt on Elm Lake Road.
A letter from The Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board asking for help in funding was presented by Mayor Barrett.
This matter has been postponed allowing the Board to compile more information.
Ken and Peggy Bailey addressed the board regarding a pile of metal containers, rubber and plastic located on 231 Elm Lake Rd, owned by Dave and Karen McComb, that is very close to their property line and visible from the street, stating the material is “rubbish.” The Fire & Building Code Inspector had been to the property and had not found any violations given the property is classified as a farm and the items noted could be categorized as “for future use”. The Baileys requested the Village investigate adopting a new ordinance to include a time limit on the designation of “for future use” so that requests could be made to discard materials.
Peggy LaFontaine made a statement to witness and in support of the Bailey’s concerns.
Allen Hoover commented on the sidewalks, expressing it is good they are paved but the job seems incomplete and the driveways intersecting the sidewalk are not easily accessible, causing a few vehicles to bottom out. Mayor Barrett noted the sidewalk project is a partnership between the Village and the State DOT and as such, the Village’s initial work of paving has been completed and the DOT will be finishing the curbside within the next few weeks followed by DPW making any final needed adjustments for driveways after.
Lynne Brown asked if we need to start planting new trees start as soon as possible. Trustee Donecker advised, we will be looking into recommendations for different species of trees.
Peggy LaFontaine asked when the board last reviewed zoning laws and Mayor Barrett advised the zoning laws were reviewed last year. Ms. LaFontaine appreciated the Board agreeing to investigate the time limits of “for future use.”
Editor Note: Story based on the minutes from Crystal O’Brien, Village Clerk - Treasurer
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