Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hamilton County seeks solid waste grant

Supervisors July 22 2019

County seeks solid waste grant
By Pete Klein
The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met in a special session on July 22 and passed several resolutions, starting with a resolution authorizing Barton & Loguidice, P.C. to Prepare a Solid Waste Grant.
The resolution reads as follows, “WHEREAS, Resolution No. 119-17 authorized Barton and Loguidice, P.C. to complete a county-wide solid waste study for efficiency, consolidation and possible grant opportunities which
has now been completed, and
“WHEREAS, the County Public Works Committee recommends, after reviewing the study, that Barton and Loguidice, P.C prepare a New York State Consolidated Funding application for 2019 for Solid Waste Equipment, be it
RESOLVED, that Hamilton County Board of Supervisors authorizes Barton and
Loguidice, P.C. of Syracuse, NY to prepare a New York State Consolidated Funding application for 2019 for Solid Waste Equipment on behalf of Hamilton County.”
The resolution passed unanimously and further authorized and directed Hamilton County’s Chairman, William G. Farber to submit the New York State Consolidated Funding Application and was authorized to execute all other documents necessary for the implementation of this work, and is also authorized to execute all financial and/or administrative processes related to the grant program.
Seconded by
According to the following resolution New York State wishes to see County-wide Shared Services to identify, propose and implement new actions to save taxpayers money through shared, coordinated and more efficient services between local governments within the county.
The resolution passed by all states that “WHEREAS, Hamilton County relies on snowmobiling to support our winter economy and sustain our year round businesses, and Hamilton County is desirous in creating a Snowmobile Trail and Equipment Shared Services effort to avoid duplication of key equipment and create efficiencies in claiming and other associated work, and
“WHEREAS, Hamilton County is desirous to apply for the Consolidated Funding Application, and
“WHEREAS, all Hamilton County towns and village will financially benefit from the enhanced trail maintenance by having this improved central support system and therefore providing for better visitor experiences, and
“WHEREAS, the citizens of Hamilton County will also benefit from the enhanced trail system, and
“WHEREAS, Hamilton County can lighten the burden on the towns and Village by
assuming the duties of tracking the grooming routes for reimbursement, and applying for equipment grants, and
“WHEREAS, the Hamilton County Shared Services Panel recorded its unanimous support for this application, and
“WHEREAS, Consolidated Funding Applications are due by July 26, 2019, therefore, be it
“RESOLVED, that the Director of Planning Tourism & Economic Development is hereby authorized to file a CFA for this purpose and retain the necessary help to do so, and be it further
“RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby records it strong support for this funding application.”
Seconded by
The following resolution was unanimously passed by the Board of Supervisors.
“WHEREAS, because of some unforeseen fleet vehicle mechanical issues that caused two vehicles to be taken out of service, the Fleet Coordinator is recommending the purchase of one vehicle immediately, and
“WHEREAS, the Fleet Coordinator has met with the Public Works Committee to discuss the said vehicle purchase, be it
“RESOLVED, that hereby the Fleet Coordinator is authorized to purchase one (1) New 2018 Dodge Durango with options from Main Motorcar of Johnstown, NY under New York State Contract PC66680, Mini Bid #19030078 pricing at a cost of $29,317.
The following resolution was passed by all supervisors, except for William Farber who abstained.
“WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2-19 dated January 3, 2019 appointed Frank Mezzano Budget Officer for a term of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, and
“WHEREAS, Frank Mezzano resigned from the position on July 5, 2019, be it
“RESOLVED, that William G. Farber is hereby appointed as Budget Officer for the remainder of the term.”
The following resolution was passed by all to help ensure the success of the Hamlets to Huts program.
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the submission of 2019 NYSDOS Local Waterfront Revitalization Project CFA – Phase 3 Adirondack Hamlets to Huts Project 2019 Empire State Development CFA – Phase 1 Adirondack Hamlets to Huts Indian Lake Lodge Project and be it further RESOLVED, that the Hamilton County Board of Supervisors hereby records its strong support for both of these projects, asking that all due consideration be given to funding these two critical projects.

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