Wednesday, July 10, 2019

ILCS BOE July 9 2019

ILCS BOE July 9 2019

Indian Lake Central Board of Education Meetings
By Pete Klein
The July 9 meeting of the Indian Lake Central Board of Education meeting began with the board approving the following minutes as provided by Dianna M. Wilder, District Clerk, for the Regular BOE Meeting for Tuesday, June 18, 2019.
Travel and French Club (Teachers Stephanie Bennett, Jane Hinckley; students Cal Stanton, Ruby Lewin, Angelina Oliver, Sierra Ross, Marilla Liddle) presented to the board their trip to Puerto Rico and Montreal.
Dave Snide presented the Superintendent/Principal Report. Discussion about the professional learning plan (PDP), Hamilton County School and Community Prevention program which includes having a Security Resource Officer (SRO) and a social worker increase from one day to two days. SRO for one and a half days. School use overnight we will utilize a custodian. Pickleball would like to have a key but board does not want this so no keys will be given out. Small group health insurance update. Athletics with Newcomb and Long Lake.
Mrs. Hutchins moved, seconded by Mr. Voorhees to approve bus storage agreement. Carried.
Mr. Voorhees moved, seconded by Mrs. Seymour to approve student transportation cooperation agreement. Carried
Mrs. Seymour moved, seconded by Mr. Voorhees to accept May 21, 2019 budget voting results. Carried.
Mrs. Hutchins moved, seconded by Mr. Voorhees to approve disposing of 2018 Ballots. Carried.
Mrs. Seymour moved, seconded by Mr. Voorhees to approve extra-curricular and co-curricular activity advisors for 2019-20. Carried.
Mr. Voorhees moved, seconded by Mrs. Seymour to approve school psychologist shared agreement. Carried.
Mr. Voorhees moved, seconded by Mrs. Seymour to approve Alyssa Ferry summer cleaner 20 hours per week at a rate of $12.94 per hour through the summer youth program. Carried.
Mrs. Hutchins moved, seconded by Mr. Voorhees to approve Emmett Hall summer cleaner two days a week. Carried.
Mr. Voorhees moved, seconded by Mrs. Seymour to approve professional learning plan (PDP). Carried. Mrs. Hutchins moved, seconded by Mrs. Seymour to approve claims audit for May 1-31-2019. Carried.
Mrs. Seymour moved, seconded by Mr. Voorhees to approve Joseph Koehring as Varsity boys’ soccer coach. Mrs. Hutchins- Nay, Mr. Harrington Yea and Mr. Lewin-Abstain.
Mr. Voorhees moved, seconded by Mrs. Seymour to approve CSE Recommendations #091940103, 091940145, 091940128, 0919401126, 02014004,000099167, 091940124. Carried
At the ILCS BOE meeting of July 9, 2019
Superintendent Dave Snide Reported that the Senior Graduation went well. Special thanks to Elsa Schisler and Ginger Farrell, Co-Advisors as well as Genine Longacker and Dianna Wilder for their efforts in making a successful graduation.
Snide said the Pre-K Graduation was another success. Mrs. Smith did an outstanding job.
Snide reported the following on the Building Project Timeline Update: July 9 Field Work, July 25 Scope of Project, August 2 Pricing of Project, August 20 Present to the Board
On Athletics, Snide reported it appears that we will have enough for all soccer teams this fall. If Newcomb joins us that will make our numbers even better. We will be looking to bring up the four 9th grade boys to play varsity.
Recommendations for Approval at the July 9 BOE meeting included the following:
Approval for treasurer to pay costs as they occur
Approval of CSE Recommendations
Approval of Board Retreat date on August 20, 2019
Approval of Ben Conboy for varsity boys’ soccer coach
Approval of Dana Goetze for modified boys’ soccer coach
Approval of 3-way merger with Indian Lake CSD, Long Lake CSD and Newcomb CSD for modified boys and modified girls’ soccer.
The above information was provided by Dianna M. Wilder, District Clerk.

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