Inlet TB July 9 2019
Inlet’s Green New Deal
By Pete Klein
Inlet Town Board unanimously supported the Green New Deal when it met on July 9
and passed the following resolution.
the Town of Inlet believes that all communities can help reduce climate threats
on both the local and global environments; and
the effects of climate threats could endanger our infrastructure, economy and
livelihoods; harm our farms, orchards, and ecological communities, including
native fish and wildlife populations; spread invasive species and exotic
diseases; reduce drinking water supplies and recreational opportunities; and
pose health threats to our citizens; and
we believe that our response to climate threats provides us with an
unprecedented opportunity to save money, and to build livable,
energy-independent and secure communities, vibrant innovation economies,
healthy and safe schools, and resilient infrastructures; and
we believe the scale of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions required for
climate stabilization will require sustained and substantial efforts; and
we believe that even if emissions were dramatically reduced today, communities
may be required to adapt to the effects of climate threats for decades to come,
IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Town of Inlet, in order to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and adapt to a changing climate, adopts the New York State Climate
Smart Communities pledge, which comprises the following ten elements: Build a
climate-smart community; Inventory emissions, set goals, and plan for climate
action; Decrease energy use; Shift to clean, renewable energy; Use
climate-smart materials management; Implement climate-smart land use; Enhance
community resilience to climate change; Support a green innovation economy; Inform
and inspire the public; Engage in an evolving process of climate action.
Highway Superintendent Shawn
Hansen reported on the numerous projects being done with the Highway Department
throughout the town. Some of which are hauling material for new building,
hauling black top for County, working on Moose River Plains road, started mowing
sides of road, and grade Uncas Roads.
Hansen thanked Peckham for
use of roller. Hansen also stated that they will be chip sealing the section of
7th Lake Road, however, delays won’t be long.
Department helped plant 11
trees at Fern Park and new tree at Town Hall, worked on road in Moose River
Plains, worked with new employee, worked on base for new equipment storage
building and culverts on Uncas Road.
Hansen thanked Town of Webb
for use of bang stage.
Hansen reported the Transfer
station is open 7 days /week 9-6. He
reported that he advertised for the seasonal, full-time employee and did not
find anyone.
Hansen would like to hire
Cory Hansen. He cannot operate machinery and work alone, but the Board had no
issues with hiring him.
Hansen received two bids on
the new bin he would like to purchase. Low bid was $6,275 with delivery
The board approved purchasing
the bin with Bucks.
AT&T signed contract for
service, however, still need to get the height needed for tower from the APA.
C&S is now working on mapping that we will need for the APA permit.
Supervisor Frey reported that
the DEC wants more information on the docking 6th lake dock accessibility
for physically challenged people that we are looking to do still. There was
discussion on possible designs of this access assistance. We need to submit
possible design ideas to the DEC.
Board has stamped Dave Corasanti maps. The Master Plan is near ready for public
Adele Burnett has volunteered
to sit on the Youth Commission.
The board approved.
Supervisor Frey commended
Peckham on a good job. They were only two days overdue on the date they said
they would be out of the center of town.
Frey wanted to stress that
when you are in the parks of our Town or on trails, you might encounter uneven
terrain. It is important to stay alert and watch where you are walking, sitting.
Barb Murdock asked if
trailers are permitted to park at all on 6th Lake Road and if any
parking is allowed along the entire length of the road. It was clarified that
there should be no trailer parking at all on the road, that trailers should be
brought to Fern Park, however, the signs do not indicate that no parking is permitted.
Barb asked if we can get more
signage and if police can enforce. Barb also inquired as to when the sand on
the beach will get spread out.
Supervisor Frey stated he
will get the UTV personally and put the rakes on it to spread the sand. The
lifeguards can help spread and rake sand when there are no swimmers in the
Peggy Brownell asked if the
audits were done for all years and if we were up to date.
Frey explained that the
delays were due to Mary having to wait on the State to clarify and approve
prior audits before moving on.
Peggy asked when we are
looking to finish the Townsend Trail and if we were still on schedule for this
Shawn Hansen explained he is
still waiting to find out the DOT’s plans for culvert extensions before
proceeding, but still plans on continuing work this Fall.
Gary Zawatski asked the
reason for the increase in this year’s sewer bill.
Frey explained that the costs
to run the plant, including hauling has increased.
Peggy Brownell asked if there
could be more police presence in the passing zone after Drake’s on Route 28
toward her house. Some ideas of placing unmanned cars was discussed, however,
that poses additional problems.
Peggy asked if the car show
could be moved in the future to Fern Park because of the problem with parking
and congestion in the Town.
Connie Perry mentioned how
difficult it is to pull out of The Woods Inn parking lot with the way the road
is cross hatched now for parking and limited parking. There was a lengthy
discussion on the crosshatched areas and pedestrian cross walks and what could
be done to alleviate some of the parking and line of sight problems.
Councilman Tim Brownsell made
a Motion, Seconded by Councilman
Herb Schmid to cut some of the crosshatches back in town. All approved and the
motion passed.
Shawn Hansen will discuss
this with DOT and Peckham road crew.
Highway Superintendent Shawn
Hansen asked Peggy Brownell where she would like to see the “curb your dog”
signs on the Townsend Trail.
Editor’s note: This story is
based upon the minutes of Yvonne Lutz, Town Clerk.
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