Monday, July 22, 2019

Hope sends out dog license renewals

Hope TB June 10 2019

Hope sends out dog license renewals
By Pete Klein
When the Hope Town Board met on June 10, the first business to come before the board was dog license renewals.
Resident Joanne Robinson stated that she received a dog license renewal in the mail, and she has never received one before.
Town Clerk Jill Dunham said that Joanne’s daughter emailed her last week, inquiring why she had not received a dog license renewal yet in the mail. Dunham stated this email prompted her to see how she even knows when a dog license renewal is due.
After much discussion with BAS and NYS Department of Ag. and Markets, Dinham was able to run a report, which she will generate each month. She sent out 12 renewal remainders after this was discovered. She stated the only way she can send a renewal reminder is for someone to have had their dog licensed with the town in previous years.
Robinson stated she last received one from Marleen in 2015 and didn’t understand why she had not received one since then until now.
Dunham stated she cannot help what other clerks may or may not have done and she cannot speak for them and won’t. She, herself, would not have sent the renewal reminder out without the inquiry coming in. This seemed to satisfy all parties involved.
Supervisor Steven Tomlinson handed out a report given to him by Code Enforcer Mike Stewart. It reads as follows: 1 - I issued a permit for a new modular home and septic system at 177 Rice Road to Derek Vandenberg.
2 - There has been no progress as promised to me by Dennis Lynch of 860 NYS Rte. 30 regarding trash, junk and junk vehicles. Therefore, I am preparing a ticket and accusatory instrument for a court date to seek compliance.
3 - I sent a letter to the property owners at 750 NYS Rte. 30 and have spoken with the owner and tenant. I have been promised significant progress in two weeks or I will issue a ticket there as well.
4 - I issued a permit to 323 Hope Falls Road/ Refit for a storage building.
5 - Just a quick note to make sure that everyone knows that once I issue a ticket for a violation, I have no more bargaining chips and what happens and how soon is totally in the hands of the court.
Supervisor Tomlinson brought the board up to speed as to where things stand with the Spectrum plan. Everything is ready to go according to Spectrum. They will be getting a price quote to Supervisor Tomlinson hopefully this week sometime. He will email that information out to the Town Board members for a decision on whether we switch or not.
The resolution for approval of the Cold War Veteran’s Exemption for a 10-year term was presented to the board members by Supervisor Tomlinson. There was little discussion and no opposition for the resolution.
On a motion by Councilperson William Witts, seconded by Councilperson Mark Stuart, the following resolution was ADOPTED by all.
Supervisor Tomlinson presented the board with the information to increase the CHIPS revenue budget amount. There was little discussion and no concerns.
On a motion by Councilperson Dianna Downing, seconded by Councilperson John Stuart Jr., the following resolution was ADOPTED      by all.
12)    Resolved was the approval to increase the CHIPS revenue budget amount.
Supervisor Tomlinson distributed information regarding direct deposit for town employees. He stated this is open to everyone and is ready to go in effect once an approval is reached. The board members liked the idea, and all agreed it would be cost efficient for the town to get on board with it.
On a motion by Councilperson William Witts, seconded by Councilperson John Stuart Jr., the following resolution was ADOPTED  by all.
Supervisor Tomlinson stated the town received a bid in the amount of $16,400 from Auction International. The board accepted the bid. Supervisor Tomlinson stated he signed the title over. The owner of Midnight Oil purchased the truck and has picked it up.
Superintendent Zachery Colson was not at the meeting. As per Supervisor Tomlinson, he went with Benson’s Highway Superintendent to look at a tractor that Benson may purchase. Supervisor Tomlinson stated that the highway department continues to do some ditching and brush clean up. He states that garbage pickup seems to be going well and it looks like more people are getting on board with it.
Clerk Jill Dunham stated she now will be sending out the monthly renewal letter for dog licensing.
She brought a concern with the storage of old records. Town Historian Eliza Darling came to look through some old records and take those marked for the town historian. It was noted that the records are musty, and some are moldy. There was a dehumidifier found in the room, which was full of water and mold. It is unclear as to how long that has been in there. At this point it is unplugged when no one is in so that it is not left unattended. Jill would like a resolution to this problem.
Supervisor Tomlinson will investigate a better dehumidifier system. Jill noted that Eliza would be reaching out to offer to help write a grant to possibly build a better storage unit for records. All records from the beginning of 2018 are inside the town hall and will remain there until there is a better solution.
Tomlinson summarized the meeting and all that was accomplished.
He also requested the permission of the board to purchase the tables for the pavilion like what was previously discussed at last month’s meeting. He would like to purchase seven rectangular ones and three round handicap accessible ones. The cost is $200 to $300 each and they are made of a resin material. The board agreed the tables need to be purchased like previously discussed and agreed and it needs to be done soon as the pavilion will be getting used frequently this summer. Councilperson William Witts states he would like to purchase three of the seven rectangular ones as a donation to the Town of Hope. The board thanked him for his generosity.
Councilperson John Stuart Jr. asked if the brush on the Old Northville Road can be trimmed back some as it is close to scratching vehicles passing by. He also stated the shoulder on Creek Road looks good and garbage pickup seems to be going well with no complaints that it is not.
Councilperson William Witts added that things seem to be running smoothly at the transfer station according to the staff there. Town Clerk did advise that there are a lot of nails in the drive through area and the staff are advising people they must wait for a magnetic pick up tool to remove them. She has also been told that two people have suffered flat tires as a result but have not asked the town for reimbursement on them. Supervisor Tomlinson will investigate this.
Councilperson Mark Stuart asked if there were any updates on the Hope Falls Road. Supervisor Tomlinson advises it is still in the hands of DEC and he doesn’t look for much progress with that until fall.

Editor’s note: This story is based upon meeting minutes provided by Town Clerk Jill Dunham.

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